Encouragement, Inspiration

Christmas and #lovechallenge2017

2017 was a year full of events in our lives. Some events we loved, some we just liked and some we could have lived without. We lost some people dear to us and we welcomed new people into our lives.

As a result of these events, we are each a different person than who we were on January 1, 2017. How so? Because all the events we experienced changed us into the person who is reading this message.

Hopefully, the events made you stronger, more courageous, wiser than you were before they happened. If they did, you experienced personal growth. If they didn’t, I invite you to revisit event and reassess them and their effect on you. Now that time has passed, I bet you see them in a different light.

We are all busy running here and there doing holiday stuff. Continue reading “Christmas and #lovechallenge2017”


Live Your Joy Now

I received this message the other day from a very good friend. It really touched me because as humans, we tend to see the negative and the lack in our lives faster than anything else. This message reminded me to stop and see the joy and richness that is, in fact, in my life right now so I thought I would share this with you:


Don’t wait for life to be perfect, or fret and complain that it is not. Live it as it comes, doing all you can, thankful for each day, enthusiastic about making it count.

Happiness does not suddenly appear when you get what you want. Happiness is a state of being that empowers you to create what you choose.

Rather than harboring resentment about what you lack, be resourceful with all you have. Feel your miraculous ability to make a difference, and put it to work.

If all your dreams had already come true, you’d have nothing to look forward to. If everything was perfect, you’d have no way to make a positive difference.

Expect great things, but don’t let joy be held hostage by your expectations. Live your joy now, with the way things are, as imperfect as they may be.

Despite its flaws, this time, this place is your opportunity to live with richness and fulfillment. Stop wishing for it to have been different, and start living at your highest and best right now.

© 2017 Ralph S. Marston, Jr.


Guest Post, Inspiration, Motivation

The Cure for Indecision for My Generation

by Everlecia J. Taylor

We have more options than ever before —more food choices, more schools choices, and more career choices. The truth is our abundance of options makes it harder to decide. “Let’s go to decisionmakingMcDonalds. No Chiptole. No P.F Changs.” We can’t even decide on what to eat tonight. Yet society tells us to go out into the world and choose what we want to be while there are a zillion new professions are created every day. When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a basketball player, and in middle school, I wanted to be a journalist. When I was in high school, I couldn’t decide but I felt forced to choose something.

I wanted to be a journalist because it was something that was right in my face. But then I decided in high school to pursue becoming a pharmacist Continue reading “The Cure for Indecision for My Generation”

Inspiration, Motivation

Personal Development and Success

Let’s talk about your personal development and success!

Join me on Facebook Live on Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 8 pm.


Inspiration, Motivation

The Toxicity Inside

deadly-98846_1280I think no one would argue that as people we have a bent toward the negative. That is, we will believe something negative, do something negative and say something negative faster than we will believe, do or say something positive. The question I’ve been asking myself lately is why? Why do we naturally embrace toxicity? I think the answers rest within you.

You don’t truly love who you are. We each have two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth but we are each unique. In a world full of millions of people, no two have the same set of fingerprints, not even twins – unique. You may have likes and talents like another but if you take the time to look closely you will see that there is something different. Unless you love yourself, you’ll never be happy and toxicity will fester in you. How can you learn to love yourself and embrace your uniqueness? Think of the things you do when you love another person – you enjoy the things that person likes, you enjoy being with that person, and you speak well of that person. Do these things for yourself even when no one else does. Continue reading “The Toxicity Inside”

Encouragement, Motivation

Never Give Up

Never give up. Never give up on your dreams. Never give up on yourself. We hear that all the time. But what does “never give up” really mean? What does it look like? What does it feel like?

To never give up is painful.

To never give up is being misunderstood by others.

To never give up is being lonely.

To never give up is not being supported by those close to you.

To never give up is loosing friends.

To never give up is unpaid debt and unpaid bills.

To never give up is doubts, fears and anxiety.


To never give up smashes doubts, fears and anxiety.

To never give up supplies character.

To never give up supplies integrity.

To never give up builds your bank account so “unpaid” is exterminated.

To never give up supplies new friends and colleagues who encourage, support and celebrate you.

To never give up is realized goals and dreams.

To never give up supplies peace of mind.

To never give up supplies courage.

To never give up delivers a “can do” mind set.

Never give up. It’s worth it.



What Every Spectacular Failure Has in Common

The  link to this blog post showed up in my email the other day, mainly because I subscribed to the newsletter. I read the post and it resonated with so much with me that I wanted to share it with you. You see, I’m going through a period in my life where I’m being held accountable. I don’t like it. I’m very uncomfortable but I know it’s necessary for me to grow as a person.  This blog post gave me another perspective on accountability and I hope it will do the same for you. Here is it:

What Every Spectacular Failure Has in Common

By Andy Andrews

My office has been described as pretty weird.

Whatever you’re picturing, that’s not it—I guarantee you. Yes, I have two desks, chairs, computer monitors, and the usual office items. But what makes my office unique is every wall surrounding the entire room is full of bookshelves. And on these shelves are thousands of different items. Yes, thousands.

But there’s one spot, on a section of wall to your right when you first walk in, that is particularly important. This part of the wall is devoted entirely to the people who have had a big influence on my life. It’s a collection of family, mentors, and friends who continue to remind me of what’s important. Continue reading “What Every Spectacular Failure Has in Common”